Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday Wichita Falls Texas Fog Day

Before 5 o'clock, this afternoon of the final Wednesday of the first month of 2025, I ventured outside in the near zero visibility conditions to make my way to ALDI.

This morning the precipitation was in form of a drizzle. By afternoon this turned into a dense fog, a dense fog of the sort I used to regularly experience when living on the West Coast, with the Pacific Ocean, and Puget Sound nearby.

Wichita Falls is hundreds of miles from the nearest large body of water, that being that body of water which used to be known as the Gulf of Mexico.

I have no idea what is producing this thick fog at this North Texas location.

Thunderstorms are currently predicted to begin booming in about an hour. Tomorrow, the next to last day of January 2025, more thunderstorms are predicted, along with heavy rain, so heavy as to present a flash flood danger. Oh, and possible tornadoes are on the weather menu for tomorrow.

I forgot to mention that the photo documentation you see above is the view through my vehicle's windshield, upon arriving at the ALDI parking lot, looking north through the fog, at a gas station, selling gas a lot cheaper than I suspect the price of gas is for some of those reading this...