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Mundane Madlen said...

I am a mundane who found your take on Scarby to be very funny, but not nearly as funny as the reaction you got from the non-mundanes!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Turner Falls stuff. Will be taking the kids there this summer.

Lucy Schwartz Artist/teacher said...

am curious about the Big thicket during the Battle of the Alamo. Any books available to read or articles to read would be appreciated.

Lucy Schwartz Artist/teacher said...

I need info on The Big Thicket during the Battle of the Alamo.
Please send emails to

Lamsing said...

When Grand-dad was the plant manager for Standard Oil in Monahans, the oil tank was about 500 yards behind his back yard. I used to walk there every day and climb the thing. Grand-dad said that the oil storage unit didn't work because it leaked, and that at some point a scuba outfit tried to turn it into a water park.

Unknown said...

The Montfort Dr and LBJ McDonalds has been torn down and rebuilt as an ordinary, boring McDonalds.