Friday, November 28, 2014

I Regret I Have No Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup Gall Bladders to Sell

That is a screencap from our Eyes on Texas webpage about the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup you are looking at here.

During the years since the Sweetwater Rattlesnake webpage was added to Eyes on Texas that webpage has probably generated more questions and comments, via email, than any other subject, or webpage.

For the most part the strangest comments or questions come from Europe, most from the UK and Germany.

Today an interestingly odd question came from Texas...

Dear Eyes on Texas

On your website “A Chinese woman offered the Sweetwater Jaycees (they run the Rattlesnake Roundup as well as the skinning and frying) one dollar per snake gall bladder.” I live in Texas and I wonder if I can buy 600 snake gall bladders for 600 dollars. 

Thank you.

I had no memory of mentioning on the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup webpage that a Chinese woman was seeking snake gall bladders. When I looked at the webpage I eventually found the mention of snake gall bladders.

The entire blurb about seeking snake gall bladders...

The snakes are executed away from public eyes. But they are skinned in full view. A Chinese woman offered the Sweetwater Jaycees (they run the Rattlesnake Roundup as well as the skinning and frying) one dollar per snake gall bladder. To be used in some medicinal concoction believed by some to be as useful as Viagra.

Why does the Texan, Mr. G., seek 600 rattlesnake gall bladders, one can not help but wonder? Does he figure if one snake gall bladder is good to fix that which Viagra fixes that 600 snake gall bladders would be like Super Viagra on Steroids?

I used to reply to these type inquires, informing the inquirer that my only connection to the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup and snake gall bladders, skins or rattles was that I made a webpage documenting my one and only visit to Sweetwater.

The past couple years I don't bother letting inquirers know that I am not a supplier of rattlesnake related products. I figure they should be able to figure that out on their own.

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